Mizuma Gallery presents Mizuma Conversations, a series of in-depth interviews with featured artists. Artist in feature here is indieguerillas.
indieguerillas is an artist duet from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, made up of husband and wife Dyatmiko Lancur Bawono and Santi Ariestyowanti. The pair’s multidisciplinary practice is characterized by their unique intertwine between traditional values and contemporary culture. Their art making process itself is an auto-criticism ritual and a method of self-reflection.
Dive into our latest IGTV to find out more about indieguerillas’ mesmerizing painting Catharsis No. 1 – a glimpse into their newest ongoing series! This painting was exhibited in the 2019 group show “In-Between Land“, held at our New York space, Mizuma & Kips.
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Installation view of Catharsis No. 1 at “In-Between Land” at Mizuma & Kips, New York, 2019
©️ indieguerillas, courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery