Mizuma Gallery presents Mizuma Conversations, a series of interviews with featured artists. Artist in feature here is Iwan Effendi.
As the Co-Founder and Co-Artistic Director of Yogyakarta’s Papermoon Puppet Theatre, Iwan Effendi brings puppet characters to life with their individual narratives and emotions. But in his own practice, Iwan Effendi is very much interested in the very early stage of the puppets, with their ‘daydreaming faces’, they wait upon their puppeteer to endow their empty shells with layers of thought, speech, and emotions.
Dive into our latest IGTV to catch a glimpse of Iwan’s studio and watch him speak about his puppets and drawings, and about how his works in Papermoon Puppet Theatre influence his own art practice.
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Exhibition view of “Face to Face”, a solo exhibition by Iwan Effendi at Mizuma Gallery, Singapore, 2019. Image courtesy of the artist and Mizuma Gallery.