Why are we doing what we are doing?


10 September – 30 October 2016

Agan Harahap (ID), Angki Purbandono (ID), Iswanto Soerjanto (ID), RongRong & Inri (JP/CN), Usami Masahiro (JP), Yamamoto Masao (JP) and Robert Zhao Renhui (SG)

Why are we doing what we are doing? features 7 contemporary photography artists: Agan Harahap, Angki Purbandono, Iswanto Soerjanto, RongRong & Inri, Usami Masahiro, Yamamoto Masao and Robert Zhao Renhui, whose methodologies reveal the philosophy and ideology in their artistic practices. In order to gain a better understanding of the artistic statements behind the work, it is crucial to first understand the creation process undertaken by its maker.

Due to the rapid development of technology and the internet, technical knowledge of operating the camera and printing is no longer as required as before. One could easily take images by using their smart phone and instantly view the output on their screen. The internet has also changed the way we distribute our photographs and the way we receive photographs of others. Why are we doing what we are doing? explores the creation process of contemporary art photography by questioning the technical process of creating the image and the methods of building the subject matter.

Artists Talk

Saturday, 10 September 2016, 4 – 6 pm

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